I love Fresh prompts. Nice work! Do you want to make a few writing versions of that: journal prompts and creative writing/fiction prompts?

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Thanks, Mike! Those additional flavors are on our radar, but we want to prove this out first.

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as someone who finally watched 'Everything Everywhere All at Once', your new logo really hit the spot! 👀

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Oh I didn't even think of that! Good call.

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I love prompts

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How do you use them?

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Is Fresh Prompts the new secret project?? I wanna hear more!! Or the Figma course?? New logo is awesome. The eyes remind me of Hil, too. ❤️ The alcoholic vodka…wow 😳. Very inspiring post, you’re helping me look forward to the opportunities by making the change!

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Thanks, Heather ❤️

Yeah, Fresh Prompts is the not-so-secret project now. Hoping to get that launched later this month.

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