Hey Nate, it's my first time checking in to read your newsletter, and I must say I was surprised to find the sound clips/podcast.. A very good & welcome surprise!
I much enjoy listening to content after a long day in front of a giant screen. 'Clearing your cache'
to generate ideas clicked well for me.
Digging the illustrations too. Great content, keep it up!
Hey Nate, it's my first time checking in to read your newsletter, and I must say I was surprised to find the sound clips/podcast.. A very good & welcome surprise!
I much enjoy listening to content after a long day in front of a giant screen. 'Clearing your cache'
to generate ideas clicked well for me.
Digging the illustrations too. Great content, keep it up!
Thank you, Mel! It's one of my favorite creative aspects of tinkering with this newsletter.