All the talk of circuits reminded me of the movie Short Circuit, which came up recently with my fam and someone Allison had never seen it and said she "sort of remembered hearing about it". Like, what?! I loved that movie when I was a kid. It's moments like that when you realize how big of a gap six years in age can be, especially back when we're impressionable young kids.
I really love your open- versus closed-circuit framing. Too often, I hear the similar recommendation to “build a personal brand” which isn’t at all what you’re talking about’s so much more about self-promotion than about sharing, which is a distinction that, IMHO, makes all the difference.
Again I felt like you were writing that for me! I stayed at the same company for nearly 10 years, always seeming to get a title change or a raise right at the time I was ready to leave...the golden handcuffs getting tighter. And now that I’m on the other side I’m trying to reconnect with what inspires me personally, and build a new network off of that...I appreciate you putting out these nuggets of wisdom that help remind us we aren’t doing it wrong if we aren’t crawling all over LinkedIn 24 hours a day 🫠.
loved this issue and was gonna go start working on my network but then you linked to the pens so now my network is all pens
why yes I DO need different pens for note taking and planning!
and YES i am a lefty and yes it is HARD thank you for finally SEEING who I AM *spends 456 dollars*
Nice post, Nate!
All the talk of circuits reminded me of the movie Short Circuit, which came up recently with my fam and someone Allison had never seen it and said she "sort of remembered hearing about it". Like, what?! I loved that movie when I was a kid. It's moments like that when you realize how big of a gap six years in age can be, especially back when we're impressionable young kids.
I really love your open- versus closed-circuit framing. Too often, I hear the similar recommendation to “build a personal brand” which isn’t at all what you’re talking about’s so much more about self-promotion than about sharing, which is a distinction that, IMHO, makes all the difference.
Again I felt like you were writing that for me! I stayed at the same company for nearly 10 years, always seeming to get a title change or a raise right at the time I was ready to leave...the golden handcuffs getting tighter. And now that I’m on the other side I’m trying to reconnect with what inspires me personally, and build a new network off of that...I appreciate you putting out these nuggets of wisdom that help remind us we aren’t doing it wrong if we aren’t crawling all over LinkedIn 24 hours a day 🫠.