I only scratched the surface when it comes to networking, but it has already seemed that it struck a nerve with some of you.
Here are a few responses from last week.
RE: Are you building your network?
“The last bit in my journal entry on Saturday said "network more," then on Sunday BOOM Nat's newsletter "Are You Building Your Network?" Well timed. I'm trying to really build my local network (face to face) in the skateboard industry in Minneapolis. I'm somewhat (ok, a lot) intimidated by the people that have been in the industry for years and I've only been hanging around for the last 6 months or so. My biggest issue, like yours, seems to be follow up. I start a conversation, maybe swap contact info, then just let it be. I need to follow up.” — C
I’m super happy where I am with my current job and company. I truly believe the startup I’m with now has a real chance for success and I can reap some of the benefits of that as a very early employee. So I’m going to continue to work my ass off and create as much value for me and the company for the time being.
That said, I’ve been thinking a ton lately about what’s next for me in terms of my career. I have a real desire to start my own thing as my next career move. Honestly though, I have no idea what that may be yet. I’m always looking to meet and chat with smart people for inspiration and possible partnership. Outside of the normal networking I need to do for my existing job in business development, I have been using that goal as my main driver in networking these days.
Maybe I’ll schedule time with you soon to chat about this among other things😎
Lastly, I’m curious to know if you’ve heard of or tried this app: Shapr | Meaningful Networking by Shapr
I just came across it recently (via an ad on some form of social media, ironically — Twitter, I think). I’m going to give it a shot. Could be interesting.” — N
“Since moving back to MN though, the combination of working in a very small company and having family obligations that make it difficult to get out to events has made me feel a lot more isolated from a networking perspective.
I believe it will get better in time though. As the kids get older it will get easier to get out a little more.” — N
Most of the time I’m writing without having any answers, hoping that by putting this down I can somehow instigate myself to make change. This is certainly one of those topics for me, where it comes down to putting in the effort and the time.
When you’re building something, you’ll read a lot about how if you’re spending time meeting people, then you’re actively wasting time that could be used to build your thing. I think this feels like clickbait, because in reality, it sees much more nuanced. I don’t think it’s binary.
Random question: Are 2k word emails just too much to take in?
Have a great week!