Hello from San Francisco! I’ve been at a real estate conference all week, and it’s a bummer because (1) it’s in the worst part of the city and not at all exciting and (2) I didn’t have a chance to reach out to any friends. Sorry, friends.
If you’re new, every now and then I hope to share some responses from Sunday’s letters back to the whole group. Here are a few over the past couple of weeks.
“So, I just purchased a Bullet journal — something I've wanted to do for a while, and reading this sealed the deal!
Agree with you wholeheartedly about the social media conundrum. On one hand, it's how I keep in touch with others, and on the other, it's easily my biggest time suck and the latest iOS launch is sure to confirm this. Sometimes I feel inspired by what I see, but that feeling quickly dissipates when I sit down to do the work. I think social media has something to do with that because it has reduced my attention span and it's always there to tap into when there's a creativity block. To not be a part feels like not being a part of society because popular posts are now fodder for conversations over dinner. I think your approach is concerted and I wonder if you also quickly fall into the blackhole once you tap in?” — H
“Enjoying this insight into your brain! Also have you ever looked at your battery usage, where it tells you how long you spend in each app per week(I think) - it’s terrifying! A good way to remind yourself to get offline. I deleted insta and Twitter off my phone for the week and my brain felt so calm! I think Twitter is staying off for a bit, and I’m going to be doing a lot more unfollowing on insta...” —R
“We’ve been entirely debt free for a few years now and it feels amazing. I’ve now been doing my best to save/invest the cash we were dropping on student loans in the past, which was our last form of debt.
I’ve been really interested in finance more and more over the past couple of years. If only I had cared more and paid more attention in my 20’s and early 30’s 🙂”—N
“I've definitely fallen back into some bad habits when it comes to spending […], but I also have made some really good decisions such as, being pretty much 100% debt free, the exception is some […] debt that I've taken on and the mortgage on my condo, I drive a car that's paid for, paying my CC's off every month, etc.
I do have a pretty sizeable 401k, which I started contributing to when I was 19, when I didn't even know what a 401k was, and a healthy savings account. So in some aspects, the fact that I live pretty minimally… I don't mind spending a little recklessly from time to time 🙂” — C
RE: Should we move?
“Secondly, how the heck can I start bringing in an income again. I had been ramping up the sale of my textile art and it was fun and just looking like I might be able to make a move to promote and sell better when my health fell off the cliff. Now I look at my art in a different way...I look at life different. I can’t seem to pick up where I left off. And I don’t think I can physically manage the way I had planned to promote my work.” — Z
Aside from writing these letters, I’m looking to help make connections if the opportunities arise. Although this isn’t meant to be a job board, I’m experimenting! Someone from this group is trying to push their career forward and is looking for front-end development freelance work (someone who builds websites). If you know of anything, reach out and I can help see if the connection makes sense.
See you Sunday. I’m thinking about networking.